Having a job is not enough. You have to learn to be a hustler. Creating a life that you always dreamed of could be the hardest thing you ever do, but achieving your goal and doing so earlier in life is worth the extra hustle.
Contrary to what Frank Sinatra claims in his song “My Way,” most people will have many regrets in their lifetime—not just a few. I expect that a fair number of individuals will look back and wish they had done more—not less—and really gone after their dreams with more energy, tenacity, and an unreasonable level of effort. I also think most will wish in hindsight that they had “swung for the fences,” taken the big gamble, and really put themselves all out there. So why wait until the end of your life to wish for these things?
There are three fundamentals to know about hustling:
1. Success is hard: You need to show up early and stay late. Be willing to do what it takes to be the best in your company. Being a unicorn is not easy or everyone would be super producers. If you ever want to truly make it, you need to be willing to grind.
2. Find the Right Vehicle: You need to pour your horsepower into the right company. There are many places Millennials are working at which offer no upside. If there is a low ceiling, find a place that gives you the opportunity to use your potential.
3. Develop Skills: LeBron James didn’t make it to the NBA without practice, nor did I become a sales expert by sitting on the sofa eating popcorn. Training is necessary and you need to find the tools that will help you achieve your goals. Enthusiasm can only take you so far.
Here is a short list of practices you can begin doing to not only ensure you don’t go back to your parents basement but to get you going in your career to where you want to be:
1. Go for production over perfection
2. Learn and grow
3. Stay focused on goals
4. Have a great attitude
5. Surround yourself with people who keep you up
If you are surrounded by friends who are living in their parents’ basement, you need to start looking for new people to get connected to.
How would you like to have the opportunity to pick the brain of a business experts to take yourself to the next level? I’m now offering—for a LIMITED TIME—a Mastermind Group. It will be 52 weekly sessions of live support by where you can ask your business and sales questions live. Access to the brand new $4800 Cardone Mastermind Group is now included FREE if you sign up for Cardone University TODAY.
Everybody wants to look good but nobody wants to go to the gym. What sacrifice will you make to be great, to ensure you never go back to your parents’ basement, and to surround yourself with winners?