miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2016




Skip down to: A History of Tai Lopez if you just want the dirt on this guy.

My ears are burning.

Something wasn't adding up.

Am I being paranoid?

A good passive aggressor (now that's an oxymoron) is so subtle that even the victim questions whether they are being messed with or not. This way, no one else could even have a remote chance at figuring out what is going on. And the aggressor's reputation stays squeaky-clean while still getting to harass his victims.

But with life experience, you can always sniff out passive aggressive behavior no matter how subtle it is. That gut feeling is never wrong.

Still, it didn't make sense as to why Tai Lopez would suddenly be passive aggressive towards me. I know he knows about me, since he has retweeted my stuff in the past, but he doesn'tknow me.

He also knows I'm a fan (or was), from all the backlinks I gave him from social media. Certainly you wouldn't do that to a fan.

Even our difference in popularity makes things more confusing, my blog was getting about one hundred thousand views per month while he is now in the millions. However, both of our sites were growing (his, obviously, much faster than mine). But why bother with someone with a fraction of your readers?

So what was the passive aggressive message I thought he was sending?

"Stop blogging and go do something else." (only put not so nicely)

But why send this message? 

I had already decided not to renew my hosting plan a few months prior (I'm a minimalist and a blog is one less thing to maintain). And the end of my hosting just happened to be about two weeks after he started his head games (I'm not going to keep my blog in spite of someone).

However, the intentional sting of passive aggressive comments will always leave a bad taste in your mouth. I had to know why.

Then it hit me, my Tim Ferriss post.

People have always accused Tim of being less than a good person, but they never provided cohesive evidence, well written arguments, or, at the very least, gain any traction in hurting his reputation (Tim has shown to be very skilled at manipulating the masses).

Penelope Truck did have a decent article showing 
Tim's true colors (especially when it came to promoting his book). But my article went into detail showing evidence of his psychopath behavior.

And it was one of my most popular posts.

Did it effect Tim? Of course not, he is too big to fail at this point, but I doubt anyone would want clear and concise evidence showing their evil ways. I did it before, and, of course, I won't hesitate to do it again (besides it's fun ;P ).

Is Tai just another Tim?

Maybe Tai came across the post and got worried about being exposed too? He isn't too big to fail, at least not yet. Sounds very far fetched, but, hey, worth looking into.

Besides, the best way to deal with passive aggressive behavior is to show the world what kind of a person they really are.

Where there's smoke, there's fire.

So I googled: 
Tai Lopez is a fraud...

A History of Tai Lopez
According to LinkedIn, Tai Lopez started out in wealth management in the early 2000s with GE (he definitely seems to be chasing after the "good life" as he puts it).

From there, he started his own wealth management company for about 4 years until 2007.

After that, he now appears to be doing a fraudulent internet business...

In 2008, he became the owner of Elite Global Dating, LLC (which has many dating websites).

And that is where the shit hits the fan. Google "Tai Lopez is a fraud" or "Elite Global Dating, LLC," and you'll come across these kind of complaints:
After cancelling my subscription they still took payments from me! I then deleted my profile and advised my bank about their fraud but they still keep going!! My bank says they have to pay money out but refund me the cost. I wonder do I have to keep paying them forever! Countless emails to their costumer service without reply. Its not only scam but real FRAUD!
-allyka Complaintsboard.com 2014  (This is 1 of about 100-200 complaints on the site over a span of 5 years!!!)
I bought an information product from this company and did not sign up to become a member. After checking my VISA statement, I noticed that they had charged me over $200 for a monthly membership fee that I had not authorized. I have contacted my bank and they have cancelled that VISA card. Beware to anybody who has any dealings with Elite Global Dating.
-Ken consumeraffairs.com 2013
Too bad that Tai Lopez is a thief, liar and commits fraud. Other than that, sure, great person to listen to. Be aware, Tai Lopez is a bad person who only wants your money.
-Carrie EpicLaunch.com 2012
Elite Global Dating LLC Tai Lopez, This is a fraudulent dating site. They send fake emails to enduce you to pay for their bunk service.
-Anonymous Ripoffreport.com 2011
SCAM ALERT DON'T DON'T DON'T SIGN UP TO THIS SITE. IT IS A SCAM! Do I FEEL LIKE A DUMB BLONDE FALLING FOR THIS? YES!!! I am not a dumb blonde, but should of, could of, would of..... Check into this, I hope these guys get what is coming to them. Karma!
-Madeline Trustlink.org 2010
The owner of eliteMeeting Tai... is the most unscrupulous dirtbag on the planet... funny how he even comes on this site, and creates a whole lot of negative votes for everyone that has a complaint against his site and super props to every stupid positive shameless promotion of his site... We know it is you Tai... get lost you stupid scammer...
-Poker Complaintsboard.com 2009
This isn't just forums on the internet. They also had complaints filed against them with theBetter Business Bureau.

And you think that last guy was making up the whole manipulating the votes thing?

I want you to listen to "Adrian," who works for 40 different online dating site (with 600,000 people subscribing to his newsletter!!!), give a review of MeetingMillionaires.com (one of the sites Elite Global Dating, LLC owns).


Does that voice sound familiar?

It's freaking Tai Lopez pretending to give a review as someone else.

Tai, at least ask a friend to do the voice for you. Come on.

So what other sites does this "excellent" company own?

As of the start of February 2015 Elite Global Dating, LLC or Tai Lopez appears to own*:

mythailove.com (???)
datetallmen.com (But, Tai, you're short!)

*As of this date, all IP addresses for the websites listed have Elite Global Dating, LLC shown as the owner.

Furthermore, the above websites either share the same IP addresses, website template or theme, and/or is directly associated with Tai Lopez as the owner. 

But let's forget about his dating business for now.

What about Tai Lopez's main website and YouTube channel?

He is always talking about his 67 Steps program on them.

Seems like it is more of the same...
Signed up for this service and I wasn't happy with my customer experience. They never stated the fee was recurring, I called them on it. They stated the recurring fee was for "monthly mentor calls" from Tai, I told them to cancel my order and give me a refund. The initial email was responded to immediately the one regarding a cancellation and refund wasn't responded to at all. I will say used some strong language but, it's my money.
-TaiJackedMe Reddit.com 2015
 ...You can subscribe by email to receive the summaries... what I received from him in the morning was a link to a survey that, first thing, asked me for MY NAME, MY PHONE NUMBER, MY BIRTHDAY, MY ANNUAL INCOME, ETC. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?
-Nabukadnezar Reddit.com 2015
What business does he have knowing how much you make? None.

Tai is probably trying to figure out who to pitch his more expensive products to. Probably some lame inner circle thing. I hear he has a few costing  $1,000 and up.

Just remember what Tai says, "if you don't know who the sucker is, you're the sucker." Great advice Tai.

He knows what he is doing. 

It seems like he's taken the script from Robert Greene's book, The 48 Laws of Power (or what I call the "Handbook for Sociopaths and Psychos"), such as hide your intentions, guard your reputation and destroy those who undermine it, interpersonal terrorism, act like a member of royalty, and feed people the lies they want to hear.

Finally, he is using the carrot and the stick. Want to date a millionaire? Want to date tall guys? Want to date a model? Want the "good life" (money)? What's $2,000 if I can get you $2,000,000? And if he sees you as a threat or if you challenge his thoughts, he'll passive aggressively attack you.

Just avoid this guy.

Are You an Insight Junkie?
So his two big lessons right now are to not be an insight junkie and to find a mentor.

He more or less defines an insight junkie as someone who is always learning, but never takes action.

So, by his definition, he would not be an insight junkie since he takes action in life (however in the purist sense of the words, yes, without a doubt, he is an insight junkie...the biggest one of all). 

But you know who is? Most of his audience.

And if you fall into that category, the answer isn't buying one of his courses, it's to stop watching his stuff and take action in your life.


Do you really need a guy to regurgitate what he learned from skimming a book?

Come on. You can do better than that.

The Best Mentors
Mentorships are something where you must have a personal relationship (being friends with your mentor) for them to work. Never pay for a mentorship.

But in finding a good teacher or role model, you don't have to be friends with them. 

However, in both situations, you need to make sure they put the right thing first: other people.

When you idolize someone who puts wealth first (Tai Lopez) or sex (like his buddy Tyler Durden, aka Owen Cook), they might have some good, or even great, things to say and teach (but almost all of it is just mental masturbation), however in the end they'll not only immensely disappoint you, but they'll lead you down a path that you wish you hadn't traveled. 

Money and sex won't give you true happiness.

Those who put other people before everything else (especially money) probably won't be celebrities (online or offline), but they can still be wealthy, both financially and, more importantly, in relationships.

And that's who you want to be.

Take care and I hope for the best for you all in your self improvement/entrepreneurial journey.


Tai Lopez is a very sympathetic guy, super smart and has been there done that.

Came from nothing, raised by his mum and a step dad and even before adulthood went to seek out mentors by offering to work for them for free.
Thus he learned how to build a business at a young age.

Lived among the Amish for 3 years to get a different philosophical perspective on life which served him well.

He's a shareholder of Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway investment company. That's why he "knows" Buffett, Munger and Bill Gates.

Tai is a Renaissance Man in that he has knowledge of everything from business to the unified theory of physics to talking German to how to attract chicks.

And yes the man can talk, but he is one of the few people that can talk for an hour without spouting nonsense.

I don't give a shit what car he has. But I'm sure he's a multimillionaire that came from a poor background. He operates dating sites among other things.

Tai believes in reading and has a book club which he claims is the 2nd biggest in the world. I think that is a bit hyperbole but what the heck.

Take the guy seriously if you're on a path to wealth.

My Review of Tai Lopez’s 67 Steps & Mini-MBA Program

June 4, 2015
This below post is as of so far not sponsored or influenced by Tai Lopez or his team. I hope to keep it that way.
I want to give my honest review on his paid products. I have good and bad to say about it.
First off, who is Tai?
He was mentioned by a millionaire, Michael Sartain, who I conducted an interview with on my Youtube. I looked him up as I tend to do with every book or person of influence mentioned to me. He has his own youtube channel and website (search Tai Lopez, you’ll find him) where he teaches 4 main things: success in health, wealth, happiness, and love. These are four areas I cover in my videos as well but he has distilled it down quite efficiently into these 4 principles. Anyhow, I watched his videos and eventually bought his products.
The big question everyone asks is “Is Tai Lopez a Scam?”
At the time I bought them, 67 steps was priced at around $10 and the Mini-MBA program was offered at $1000 for the first 3 months.
I picked this up from listening to successful people and that is to try to get the price lower. At least try. I emailed in and they were willing to lower the price to what I asked for which was around $500. They were pretty lenient with it and I should have pushed further but out of politeness I didn’t (Argh! I regret that.). They were definitely still in the phase of testing prices. I tried it for the first 3 months and then cancelled. I will get to why in a moment.
Now, the price has been upped to $67 for 67 steps but people who purchased early still have access. The Mini-MBA program is currently a monthly service.
My thoughts on the 67 Steps. Absolutely worth the buy even at the current price. That is $1 per video. And each video, in my opinion, is well worth the purchase if you actually listen and absorb what he is telling you. He gives you 67 steps lessons with good examples from successful people and books he has picked out. It was well worth it and I hope to rewatch all of them again one day to remind myself of things. Hopefully, he updated some of them because some videos are fairly old with old camera equipment but nonetheless good. My warning is make a commitment to watch all the 67 videos. I downloaded the MP3 versions provided and listened to them at 2x speed on my iPhone. Some more than once. I have talked to many people who also purchased 67 steps and many stopped watching and listening to them a quarter or half of the way through. They give many excuses such as “I’ve heard all of this before” or “it’s common sense” which I don’t think is true. Additionally, I got an Audible audiobook version of Managing Oneself by Peter Drucker (anything by this man is gold by the way) with my purchase. That is at least a $5 value. I listened to that book twice. It’s a VERY quick read so it may not be that valuable. The print version is about $4 including shipping on Amazon.
Now for Mini-MBA. I watched all the videos for this program. It comes with weekly Q&A live calls with the members that are recorded for later use. Around 30 people showed up in the calls when I was a part of them. You could tell the groups were growing as time progressed. I was able to get in questions but he would not always answer them. Sometimes, he would but it is understandable given the amount of people in the call. I found the videos fairly informative and they talked about some general and specific principles. The topics were all across the board and sometimes fairly general. Some of the videos were on specific books read and how they related. This is just my opinion. I thought it was not worth the price I would be charged every month so I cancelled after my first 3 months. The course was not really structured and it was just access to a bunch of videos. I couldn’t really see any structure or how I could earn the “graduation certificate” I heard about. I was a bit disappointed about the Mentor interviews. There were only a couple available. These include the man who played Superman (in the movie before the last Superman movie.. the black and white one) and Joel Salatin, Tai’s mentor. I definitely think I came out of it better than I was before. But for me personally, the lack of structure, tangible knowledge, and nature of the material left me without a deep sense of displayable skills or knowledge I would think to get out of a MBA or anything like it.
The Mini-MBA material is really easy to understand and no level of complicated math was used in it at all. Basic math was as hard as it got (which could be a good thing if you suck at math). There were a lot of anecdotes he used in his videos from his readings in books and some from his personal experiences with other people. I think it is better than nothing and you will come out of it better than you came in if you listen and are willing to learn. Is it worth the excessive price? I am not sure. If you have plenty of money to spend, maybe.
It seems he has been making upgrades to his camera and microphone equipment lately. I think the Mini-MBA program could use a bit more structure, key things to teach, an upgrade on the user interface for members, and provide more tangible/specific skills, knowledge, and abilities. The style is a bit too informal for my taste. It is him lecturing in front of a camera for around an hour per video. It is unedited and he tends to ramble a bit, get off track, or proceed to anecdotes.
The categories were kind of clunky and it made me feel like things were missing. Some were organized into different karate belt colors yet some belt colors were missing. When I inquired, they said that was another program (it seems to have discontinued as I couldn’t find it on their website. One of them was a persuasion program). Other categories were organized into big topics like Mentor Interviews.
The Mini MBA is currently not offered on his site. It is not easily accessible and the only way currently seems to be through finishing 67 steps.
Regardless, it is cool to see how Tai has built this sales funnel program through his Youtube and social media. He’s doing a decent job testing prices and using it to do other things. I’ve seen him sell a conference through this. I saw how he booked a ballroom and hired professional cameramen to record it. I admire his landing page and notice how his site actually works enough for people to buy a product online through him if they want to. Those are things that I’d like to do one day. If anyone has any interest in what value you think I can provide to you that may help your life, let me know and I can start working on a product. It is nice to see that Tai is not afraid to take action and release his product/business without the fear of inadequacy or failure.
Hopefully, my review is not too harsh. I hope it serves as constructive feedback and not something negative.
They may or may not have updated some of these things I mentioned since I have written this post.
If you want to find out more about me and learn more about success and business,check out my Youtube channel by clicking here 

Get The 67 Steps To Become a Millionaire

(Check Your Email After You Submit)
Tai Lopez has a 5000 book library, which is good, because he reads a book every day. He considers himself to be a student of life, and has used everything that he has learned to become a self-made millionaire in his 20s. He has now founded 12 multimillion dollar companies and lives in Hollywood next door to Cameron Diaz and Katy Perry. He has managed to do this by using what he has learned about life and applying it to his business. Tai is now an investor and is helping other people create their own success in their businesses.

In This Interview You’ll Learn...

  • 04:43  Why Tai believes that Hollywood runs the world
  • 10:50  How and why Tai got into the nightclub business
  • 13:39  The concept of trying to make complicated ideas, simple
  • 16:08  How and why people chose to work with Tai
  • 22:04  How Tai learned to deal with identity shifts and personal sabotage
  • 28:15  Why we make mistakes; the mismatch theory
  • 44:00  Why it’s important to know your business destiny and how to find it


  • MP3
  • Transcript

Show Notes

t’s a video course where Tai Lopez (An investor, entrepreneur and author) talks about 67 important lessons he learned throughout his life.
By balancing your health, your wealth and your social life you’ll reach a state of
eudaimonia.Which is a fancy word for “excellent life quality” – or as Tai calls it; “The Good Life”

Tai illustrates each topic with personal stories from his life or insights he picked up from reading books.

And he has read quite a few… (5000+ )

If you're on the fence; I recently did a review/summary/thing on my blog of the first 22 steps. Just some notes on what I learned and what to take away.

I think the content is legit although Tai talks a bit (too?) much and therefore doesn't always stick to the topic (+ his drawing skills are really horrible haha, but that is irrelevant).

The advice he gives is pretty solid though. check it out;


10. Stoic vs Epicurean Arnolds 1000 Reps Apache Cold Showers and the Spartan Whipping Post
A nation is born stoic, and dies epicurean.
– Will Durant
Adversity makes men, and prosperity makes monsters.
– Victor Hugo
What’s the ONE thing?
  • Toughen up. Being tough is not relying on other things. Sacrifice today for tomorrow, living for now will not get you what you want. Arnold Schwarzenegger did 1000 pound calf raises to make his calf muscles grow. Apache bathed their children in ice water to teach them to be brave. Spartan boys are whipped to toughen them up, some would even die.

What area are you not tough in, and what is 1 thing you can do to toughen up?
What is the program? The program is a self-development, educational system that takes the user through a series of lessons from Step One: "The Billionaire's Brain & Jennifer Lopez's Voice" to the last step: "Annihilating The Amygdala & MPFC Mastery"
over the course of about nine and a half weeks. When you enter the program, you also get a bundle of bonus material including several videos. You also get access to a private Facebook group of fellow students, which is a very active community of people who are learning and growing together.  Pros Price: At the time of this writing, the cost of the program is $67. For such a valuable, in-depth learning system, this is nearly nothing. It's basically a dollar a day. One of the biggest lessons that Tai teaches is how important it is to invest in yourself. It is the best investment you can possibly make.
As they say, "Those who learn more, earn more."  Value: The value you can get out of the program is immense. Personally, the best part of the system was the shift in my mindset I got out of it. I came away from it with a clearer focus, a more positive mindset, and much better strategies for getting where I want to go. (Plus, I started to really figure out what I want to do in life!)
Learn From The Best: Another lesson Tai teaches is learning from the best. He doesn't mean himself. He says, "Go straight to the top." Tai learns from the top minds, both alive and dead.
Through mentors, friendships, books and other avenues, he is constantly learning and passing on the information. Tai is a bit of a quote machine, consistently speaking the words of the world's eminent thinkers.

Cons Verbose: Tai can really talk! The man has a lot of thoughts and likes to express them. While at times he can be repetitive, most of the time the repetition is intentional on his part. It is a tool to really drive home some of the key insights. On occasion, some might find Tai's ability to speak nearly endlessly annoying. Personally, I like listening to him and appreciate the depth he dives into a subject.
Should you try out the program? As far as I know, Tai still offers a satisfaction guarantee. So, if you're not happy with the 67 Steps, I'm pretty sure you can get your money back. I went into the program with a degree of skepticism, which comes very naturally to me and I think is a healthy trait. So many people are jaded and think that it must be a scam of some kind. I understand why people are skeptical, there are a lot of con artists out there for sure. Tai isn't one of them though. You can learn a ton and get a lot of value out of the 67 Steps. I would recommend most people give it a try. If you do, say hi in the Facebook group!  Whether or not you try the 67 Steps, make sure you invest in yourself! Learn more! You'll be happier, healthier, and wealthier. Good luck on your journey.  Read more at: https://tr.im/DF55E

My Review of Tai Lopez’s 67 Steps & Mini-MBA Program

June 4, 2015
This below post is as of so far not sponsored or influenced by Tai Lopez or his team. I hope to keep it that way.
I want to give my honest review on his paid products. I have good and bad to say about it.
First off, who is Tai?
He was mentioned by a millionaire, Michael Sartain, who I conducted an interview with on my Youtube. I looked him up as I tend to do with every book or person of influence mentioned to me. He has his own youtube channel and website (search Tai Lopez, you’ll find him) where he teaches 4 main things: success in health, wealth, happiness, and love. These are four areas I cover in my videos as well but he has distilled it down quite efficiently into these 4 principles. Anyhow, I watched his videos and eventually bought his products.
The big question everyone asks is “Is Tai Lopez a Scam?”
At the time I bought them, 67 steps was priced at around $10 and the Mini-MBA program was offered at $1000 for the first 3 months.
I picked this up from listening to successful people and that is to try to get the price lower. At least try. I emailed in and they were willing to lower the price to what I asked for which was around $500. They were pretty lenient with it and I should have pushed further but out of politeness I didn’t (Argh! I regret that.). They were definitely still in the phase of testing prices. I tried it for the first 3 months and then cancelled. I will get to why in a moment.
Now, the price has been upped to $67 for 67 steps but people who purchased early still have access. The Mini-MBA program is currently a monthly service.
My thoughts on the 67 Steps. Absolutely worth the buy even at the current price. That is $1 per video. And each video, in my opinion, is well worth the purchase if you actually listen and absorb what he is telling you. He gives you 67 steps lessons with good examples from successful people and books he has picked out. It was well worth it and I hope to rewatch all of them again one day to remind myself of things. Hopefully, he updated some of them because some videos are fairly old with old camera equipment but nonetheless good. My warning is make a commitment to watch all the 67 videos. I downloaded the MP3 versions provided and listened to them at 2x speed on my iPhone. Some more than once. I have talked to many people who also purchased 67 steps and many stopped watching and listening to them a quarter or half of the way through. They give many excuses such as “I’ve heard all of this before” or “it’s common sense” which I don’t think is true. Additionally, I got an Audible audiobook version of Managing Oneself by Peter Drucker (anything by this man is gold by the way) with my purchase. That is at least a $5 value. I listened to that book twice. It’s a VERY quick read so it may not be that valuable. The print version is about $4 including shipping on Amazon.
Now for Mini-MBA. I watched all the videos for this program. It comes with weekly Q&A live calls with the members that are recorded for later use. Around 30 people showed up in the calls when I was a part of them. You could tell the groups were growing as time progressed. I was able to get in questions but he would not always answer them. Sometimes, he would but it is understandable given the amount of people in the call. I found the videos fairly informative and they talked about some general and specific principles. The topics were all across the board and sometimes fairly general. Some of the videos were on specific books read and how they related. This is just my opinion. I thought it was not worth the price I would be charged every month so I cancelled after my first 3 months. The course was not really structured and it was just access to a bunch of videos. I couldn’t really see any structure or how I could earn the “graduation certificate” I heard about. I was a bit disappointed about the Mentor interviews. There were only a couple available. These include the man who played Superman (in the movie before the last Superman movie.. the black and white one) and Joel Salatin, Tai’s mentor. I definitely think I came out of it better than I was before. But for me personally, the lack of structure, tangible knowledge, and nature of the material left me without a deep sense of displayable skills or knowledge I would think to get out of a MBA or anything like it.
The Mini-MBA material is really easy to understand and no level of complicated math was used in it at all. Basic math was as hard as it got (which could be a good thing if you suck at math). There were a lot of anecdotes he used in his videos from his readings in books and some from his personal experiences with other people. I think it is better than nothing and you will come out of it better than you came in if you listen and are willing to learn. Is it worth the excessive price? I am not sure. If you have plenty of money to spend, maybe.
It seems he has been making upgrades to his camera and microphone equipment lately. I think the Mini-MBA program could use a bit more structure, key things to teach, an upgrade on the user interface for members, and provide more tangible/specific skills, knowledge, and abilities. The style is a bit too informal for my taste. It is him lecturing in front of a camera for around an hour per video. It is unedited and he tends to ramble a bit, get off track, or proceed to anecdotes.
The categories were kind of clunky and it made me feel like things were missing. Some were organized into different karate belt colors yet some belt colors were missing. When I inquired, they said that was another program (it seems to have discontinued as I couldn’t find it on their website. One of them was a persuasion program). Other categories were organized into big topics like Mentor Interviews.
The Mini MBA is currently not offered on his site. It is not easily accessible and the only way currently seems to be through finishing 67 steps.
Regardless, it is cool to see how Tai has built this sales funnel program through his Youtube and social media. He’s doing a decent job testing prices and using it to do other things. I’ve seen him sell a conference through this. I saw how he booked a ballroom and hired professional cameramen to record it. I admire his landing page and notice how his site actually works enough for people to buy a product online through him if they want to. Those are things that I’d like to do one day. If anyone has any interest in what value you think I can provide to you that may help your life, let me know and I can start working on a product. It is nice to see that Tai is not afraid to take action and release his product/business without the fear of inadequacy or failure.
Hopefully, my review is not too harsh. I hope it serves as constructive feedback and not something negative.
They may or may not have updated some of these things I mentioned since I have written this post.
If you want to find out more about me and learn more about success and business,check out my Youtube channel by clicking here 

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